P u b l i c a t i o n s
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
"MAIPAN: Middleware for Application Interconnection in Personal Area Networks",
appeared in Híradástechnika, selected papers, volume LX., 2005/12, pp. 32-36, Budapest, Hungary, December 2005
- Michael Wolf, Tim Leinmüller, Alexandru Petrescu, Christophe Janneteau, Hong-Yon Lach, Christoph Barz, Matthias Frank, Markus Pilz, Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Ralf Tönjes:
"IPv6 based OverDRiVE Moving Networks for Vehicles",
IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) News, Vol. 52, No. 4, November 2005
- György Miklós, Ferenc Kubinszky, András Rácz, Zoltán R. Turányi, András G. Valkó, Miklós A. Rónai, Sándor Molnár:
"A Novel Scheme to Interconnect Multiple Frequency Hopping Channels into an Ad Hoc Network",
appeared in ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, special issue on wireless PAN & sensor networks, January 2004
- Boldizsár Bencsáth, Miklós Aurél Rónai:
"Empirical Analysis of Denial of Service Attack Against SMTP Servers",
in proceedings of The 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and
Systems, Orlando, FL, USA, May 21-25, 2007, pp. 72-79
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
"Distributed Service Development in Personal Area Networks"
in proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2006),
Budapest, Hungary, August 31 - September 2, 2006
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
"Basic Architectural Concepts of MAIPAN",
in proceedings of the Mobilfunktagung conference, Osnabrück, Germany, May 17-18 2006
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
"MAIPAN: Middleware for Application Interconnection in Personal Area Networks",
in proceedings of the Mobiquitous 2005 conference, San Diego, CA, USA, July 17-21 2005
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Ralf Tönjes:
"IPv6 Moving Network Testbed with Micro-Mobility Support",
in proceedings of the IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2004, pp. 596-600, Lyon, France, 27-30 June 2004
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Eszter Kail:
"A Simple Neighbour Discovery Procedure for Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks",
in proceedings of the GlobeCom 2003 conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1-5 December 2003
- Miklós Aurél Rónai, Ralf Tönjes, Michael Wolf, Alexandru Petrescu:
"Mobility Issues in OverDRiVE Mobile Networks",
in proceedings of the IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2003, pp. 287-291, Aveiro, Portugal, 15-18 June 2003
- Michael Wolf, Alex Petrescu, Hong-Yon Lach, Huamin Xu, Markus Pilz, Matthias Frank, Miklós Aurél Rónai:
"In-Vehicular Mobile Router: Challenges and Approaches",
in proceedings of the Multiradio Multimedia Communications (MMC) Workshop 2003, pp. 158-166, Dortmund, Germany, 26-27 February 2003
- Laszlo Piroska, Miklos Aurel Ronai, Zoltan Richard Turanyi, Andras Gergely Valko:
"Cost of Location Maintenance Related Signaling in IP Micro Mobility Networks",
in proceedings of the Transcom Conference, Zilina, Slovakia, June 2001
- L. Piroska, M. A. Ronai, Z. R. Turanyi, A. G. Valko:
"Cost Analysis of Paging in IP Micro-Mobility Networks",
in proceedings of the IP Based Cellular Networks Conference (IPCN), Paris, France, May 2001
Master's Thesis
- "Egy vállalat pénzügyi elemzése és értékének meghatározása" (Financial analysis and value estimation of a company),
Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration (now Corvinus University
of Budapest),
Budapest, Hungary, January 2004
- "Packet-Level Simulation of the Bluetooth Physical Layer",
Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Budapest, Hungary, May 2001
gzipped postscript, presentation
Magyar nyelvű publikációk / Hungarian publications
- Rónai Miklós Aurél, Fodor Kristóf, Biczók Gergely, Turányi Zoltán, Valkó András:
"MAIPAN - Middleware személyi hálózatokban működő alkalmazások összekapcsolására",
Híradástechnika, LX. Évfolyam 2005/11, pp. 33-37, Budapest, Hungary, November 2005
- Miklos A. Ronai, Gyorgy Miklos:
"Véletlen elérésű MAC protokoll szimulációja frekvencia ugrásos rádiós csatornán (Simulation Results of Random Access MAC over a Frequency Hopping Radio Channel)",
HTE-BME Student Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 2001
presentation (előadás)
- L. Piroska, M. A. Rónai, Z. R. Turányi, A. G. Valkó:
"Cellás IP hálózatok mobilitási költségelemzése (A Cost Analysis of Paging in Cellular IP Networks)",
Students' National Scientific Conference (Országos TDK), Eger, Hungary, April 2001
presentation (előadás)
- László Piroska, Miklós Aurél Rónai, Zoltán Richárd Turányi, András Gergely Valkó:
"Cellás IP hálózatok mobilitási költségelemzése (A Cost Analysis of Paging in Cellular IP Networks)",
Students' Scientific Conference, first prize, Budapest, Hungary, October 2000
- Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
"Integrated Design for Context, Network and Policy Management",
Ambient Networks Phase 2 Deliverable D10-D.1, January 2007
- Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
"Networking Infrastructure and Protocols",
IST RUNES Deliverable D4.2, January 2006
- Cecilia Mascolo (ed.):
"Survey of Middleware for Networked Embedded Systems",
IST RUNES Deliverable D5.1, January 2005
- Markus Pilz (ed.):
"Functional Description and Validation of Mobile Router and Dynamic IVAN Management"
IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D17, March 2004
- Tim Leinmüller (ed.):
"Description of Demonstrator for Mobile Multicast and the Vehicular Router",
IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D14, March 2004
- Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
"Concept of Mobile Router and Dynamic IVAN Management",
IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D07, March 2003