P u b l i c a t i o n s


  1. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
    "MAIPAN: Middleware for Application Interconnection in Personal Area Networks",
    appeared in Híradástechnika, selected papers, volume LX., 2005/12, pp. 32-36, Budapest, Hungary, December 2005
  2. Michael Wolf, Tim Leinmüller, Alexandru Petrescu, Christophe Janneteau, Hong-Yon Lach, Christoph Barz, Matthias Frank, Markus Pilz, Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Ralf Tönjes:
    "IPv6 based OverDRiVE Moving Networks for Vehicles",
    IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) News, Vol. 52, No. 4, November 2005
  3. György Miklós, Ferenc Kubinszky, András Rácz, Zoltán R. Turányi, András G. Valkó, Miklós A. Rónai, Sándor Molnár:
    "A Novel Scheme to Interconnect Multiple Frequency Hopping Channels into an Ad Hoc Network",
    appeared in ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, special issue on wireless PAN & sensor networks, January 2004


  1. Boldizsár Bencsáth, Miklós Aurél Rónai:
    "Empirical Analysis of Denial of Service Attack Against SMTP Servers",
    in proceedings of The 2007 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems, Orlando, FL, USA, May 21-25, 2007, pp. 72-79
  2. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
    "Distributed Service Development in Personal Area Networks"
    in proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2006), Budapest, Hungary, August 31 - September 2, 2006
  3. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
    "Basic Architectural Concepts of MAIPAN",
    in proceedings of the Mobilfunktagung conference, Osnabrück, Germany, May 17-18 2006
  4. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Gergely Biczók, Zoltán Turányi, András Valkó:
    "MAIPAN: Middleware for Application Interconnection in Personal Area Networks",
    in proceedings of the Mobiquitous 2005 conference, San Diego, CA, USA, July 17-21 2005
  5. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Kristóf Fodor, Ralf Tönjes:
    "IPv6 Moving Network Testbed with Micro-Mobility Support",
    in proceedings of the IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2004, pp. 596-600, Lyon, France, 27-30 June 2004
  6. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Eszter Kail:
    "A Simple Neighbour Discovery Procedure for Bluetooth Ad Hoc Networks",
    in proceedings of the GlobeCom 2003 conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1-5 December 2003
  7. Miklós Aurél Rónai, Ralf Tönjes, Michael Wolf, Alexandru Petrescu:
    "Mobility Issues in OverDRiVE Mobile Networks",
    in proceedings of the IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit 2003, pp. 287-291, Aveiro, Portugal, 15-18 June 2003
  8. Michael Wolf, Alex Petrescu, Hong-Yon Lach, Huamin Xu, Markus Pilz, Matthias Frank, Miklós Aurél Rónai:
    "In-Vehicular Mobile Router: Challenges and Approaches",
    in proceedings of the Multiradio Multimedia Communications (MMC) Workshop 2003, pp. 158-166, Dortmund, Germany, 26-27 February 2003
  9. Laszlo Piroska, Miklos Aurel Ronai, Zoltan Richard Turanyi, Andras Gergely Valko:
    "Cost of Location Maintenance Related Signaling in IP Micro Mobility Networks",
    in proceedings of the Transcom Conference, Zilina, Slovakia, June 2001
  10. L. Piroska, M. A. Ronai, Z. R. Turanyi, A. G. Valko:
    "Cost Analysis of Paging in IP Micro-Mobility Networks",
    in proceedings of the IP Based Cellular Networks Conference (IPCN), Paris, France, May 2001

Master's Thesis

  1. "Egy vállalat pénzügyi elemzése és értékének meghatározása" (Financial analysis and value estimation of a company),
    Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration (now Corvinus University of Budapest),
    Budapest, Hungary, January 2004
  2. "Packet-Level Simulation of the Bluetooth Physical Layer",
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
    Budapest, Hungary, May 2001
    gzipped postscript, presentation

Magyar nyelvű publikációk / Hungarian publications

  1. Rónai Miklós Aurél, Fodor Kristóf, Biczók Gergely, Turányi Zoltán, Valkó András:
    "MAIPAN - Middleware személyi hálózatokban működő alkalmazások összekapcsolására",
    Híradástechnika, LX. Évfolyam 2005/11, pp. 33-37, Budapest, Hungary, November 2005
  2. Miklos A. Ronai, Gyorgy Miklos:
    "Véletlen elérésű MAC protokoll szimulációja frekvencia ugrásos rádiós csatornán (Simulation Results of Random Access MAC over a Frequency Hopping Radio Channel)",
    HTE-BME Student Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June 2001
    presentation (előadás)
  3. L. Piroska, M. A. Rónai, Z. R. Turányi, A. G. Valkó:
    "Cellás IP hálózatok mobilitási költségelemzése (A Cost Analysis of Paging in Cellular IP Networks)",
    Students' National Scientific Conference (Országos TDK), Eger, Hungary, April 2001
    presentation (előadás)
  4. László Piroska, Miklós Aurél Rónai, Zoltán Richárd Turányi, András Gergely Valkó:
    "Cellás IP hálózatok mobilitási költségelemzése (A Cost Analysis of Paging in Cellular IP Networks)",
    Students' Scientific Conference, first prize, Budapest, Hungary, October 2000


  1. Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
    "Integrated Design for Context, Network and Policy Management",
    Ambient Networks Phase 2 Deliverable D10-D.1, January 2007
  2. Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
    "Networking Infrastructure and Protocols",
    IST RUNES Deliverable D4.2, January 2006
  3. Cecilia Mascolo (ed.):
    "Survey of Middleware for Networked Embedded Systems",
    IST RUNES Deliverable D5.1, January 2005
  4. Markus Pilz (ed.):
    "Functional Description and Validation of Mobile Router and Dynamic IVAN Management"
    IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D17, March 2004
  5. Tim Leinmüller (ed.):
    "Description of Demonstrator for Mobile Multicast and the Vehicular Router",
    IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D14, March 2004
  6. Miklós Aurél Rónai (ed.):
    "Concept of Mobile Router and Dynamic IVAN Management",
    IST OverDRiVE Deliverable D07, March 2003